Sunday Apr 15, 2012
7 Secrets of Queit Time
Sunday Apr 15, 2012
Sunday Apr 15, 2012
1. During your quiet time you develop the most important relationship of your life. Gen 3:8-13 Matt 7:21-23 - Imagine after spending so much time involved in God's work, but at the end He says He does not know you if you do not develop this personal reationship. 2. Having a quiet time makes you develop the most important habit of all time. What is a habit? A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition. An established disposition of the mind or character. Brushing teeth, tv, entertainment, sports, facebook, etc. Habits in The Bible: 1. Jesus Like 4:16 - Jesus had a habit of attending church 2. Jesus John 18:1-2 He went to the garden to pray & meet with His disciples 3. Daniel 6:10 - Daniel had a habit of prayer 3. During Quiet Time, you draw near to God James 4:8 Heb 4:1 There are promises that God has that we must learn about, lest we miss out. Like entering into eternal life. 4. A quiet time makes you read the most important book in the world. The Bible - still the world's best seller book. 1 Peter 1:20-21, - ...holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 - All scripture is inspired by God 5. A quiet time is your personal school of the word. John 16:12-13 6. During your quiet time, you increase in your personal knowledge of scriptures a. 2 Peter 1:5 - ...add knowledge to virtue,... Prov 31:1-5, Prov 6:26 - reasons for following certain priciples that you can learn from reading the bilbe. b. The word of God is the sword of the Spirit. Heb 4:12 7. During your quiet time you experience the presence of God. Adam until the fall enjoyed the presence of God. John 1:1 In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the Word was God... The word is God
Friday Apr 13, 2012
The Dead Will Rise
Friday Apr 13, 2012
Friday Apr 13, 2012
-Ressurection is fundamental to Christianity. -Jesus Calmly announced His death and said He would rise again after three days. He was not an unfortunate victim of the cruelty of man. -Jesus conqured death - the place where all help man can give stops. He took on man's greatest enemy. 1 Cor 15:1-23, 50-58 - Ressurection is most important central belief for Christianity. - If there is no ressurection, then we have no hope, and are false teachers. - Working for the LORD makes sense and is derived from believing in the ressurection. 1Cor 15:58 is the conclusion of the whole ressurection discussion. - Rev 20:11-15 - Book of life is the most important place to be - Mark 8:36, Matt 16:26 What shall it profit a man ...
Sunday Mar 25, 2012
Secrets to The Wealth of The Jews II
Sunday Mar 25, 2012
Sunday Mar 25, 2012
4. Being charitable means making new friends. 5. Donating is like investing; it increases what comes back to you. The habit of giving trains you to be able to put your money at risk. 6. They believe that people are creators and not consumers, givers and not takers. Your image of yourself is built as a contributor, your are more energized and driven through your habit of giving. Three Jewish Principles HTe Lead to the Path of Prosperity: 1. Do not try to find a rational reason for giving away money. 2. Give money away because it is one of the most powerfil adn effective ways of increasing your own income. 3. Keep in mind that giving money away is like investing.
Tuesday Mar 20, 2012
15 Reasons Why God is Going To Use You To Build This Church II
Tuesday Mar 20, 2012
Tuesday Mar 20, 2012
11. God calls and uses people who do not have any miracle power. (Like people who need a healing or other break through). The enemy likes to use the thing that is not working for you to silence you, implying that God cannot use you who needs a miracle to work a miracle in another person's life. We must not forget that the salvation we have is a greater miracle than any other need in life.So it is not that God has not 12. God calls and uses people who feel that they are forsaken by Him. Judges 6:13. If He has redeemed us by giving His own son,the truth is that He has not and will never forsake us. Matt 18:20. Rom 8:32 13. God uses people who have nothing to offer - or who feel that way. Judges 6:15 14. God uses people with a poor family background. Judges 6:15 15. God uses people who may be the least in their family. Judges 6:15
Sunday Mar 18, 2012
Secrets To The Wealth Of The Jews
Sunday Mar 18, 2012
Sunday Mar 18, 2012
Jews identify giving as the primary way to be blessed: Stages of Giving: 1. The person gives reluctantly. 2. The person gives graciously, but less than his orher means. 3. The person gives the proper amount but only after being asked. 4. The person gives before being asked. 5. A person gives without knowledge ofthe receipient, but the reciepient knows the donor. 6. The person gives without making his or her identity known. 7. The person gives without knowing the receipient and without making his identity known. 8. The person helps another by enabling that person to become self sufficient through a gift or loan, or helpingthemgain or find employment. Traditional Jewish beliefs on Wealth Creation Through Giving: 1.Charitable giving benefits the giver. Acts 20:35 - Jesus said it is more blessed to give than to receive. 2. You must not live beyond your means. Instead, give beyond your means. Giving money away makes more come back to you. 3. You must give money,notjust to do good but to do well.
Tuesday Mar 13, 2012
15 Reasons Why You Can Expect God to Use You To Build This Church
Tuesday Mar 13, 2012
Tuesday Mar 13, 2012
1. God uses failures. Inspite of what has not worked at all before, or semi worked. Exo 3:11 - Moses felt he wasn't the type that could do what God was asking. He's tasted this type of thing before. 2. God uses unworthy people. 3. God uses people who have been rejected. 4.God uses people who are not credible. Exodus 4:1 - Moses did not think people would believe him. 5. God uses people with an inferiority complex. Exodus 4:10 - Moses thought he was not able to speak well to lead people. 6. God uses people who have failed at earlier attempts in ministry. Do not allow your past ministry bombs keep you from giving yourself to the service of the LORD. Exodus 5:22-23 7. God uses people who are not eloquent. God is not limited by our inability... Jeremiah 1:6 8. God uses young people Jeremiah 1:6 9. God uses people who are afraid. Jeremiah 1:8 10. God uses people who are in difficult circumstances. Judges 6:13 When times are tough we feel abandoned by God - for if He were with us, He surely would have lightened our burden.
Sunday Mar 11, 2012
The Legendary Wealth of the Jews
Sunday Mar 11, 2012
Sunday Mar 11, 2012
- Prov 10:22 - The blessing of the LORD maketh rich and He addeth no sorrow with it. - Riches that come from God do not also land you into trouble at the end. The devil also gives wealth but makes you compromise and cut deals to make you bow to him. Like you have to cheat, steal, prostitute yourself, etc - that is the sorrow that is attached to the blessing. - Gen 18:17-18 - The blessing proclaimed on Abraham - Gal 3:29 - Christians engrafted into Abraham's blessing. -The Jews are not confused by the scriptures that seems to prescribe poverty for believers. e.g. Jesus said it is easier for camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom. - Gen 12, 13, and 15 describe Abraham's wealth - Philemon 6 - acknowledge every good that is in you in Christ Jesus.
Tuesday Mar 06, 2012
Encouraging Yourself In The LORD
Tuesday Mar 06, 2012
Tuesday Mar 06, 2012
Judges 6:1-7:15 The LORD can send even that which is bitter to our taste to get it to achieve a specific end. We must not think that only the good comes from the LORD. Rom 8:28 says all the things of the LORD work together for good to those... not that the things themselves are good, but their end is good. God sends a messenger at the time when He has prepared you. God sees and knows us better than what our circumstances have made us to be like or to think of ourselves. It is a good time to give an offering when you realize the presence of the LORD. When God is with you, you do not need to worry about what else is missing. He will fill up for it. He may even strike down some of what you are counting on to help.
Tuesday Mar 06, 2012
How to Be Blessed - Tithing
Tuesday Mar 06, 2012
Tuesday Mar 06, 2012
(Genesis 26:1-4 KJV) And there was a famine in the land, beside the first famine that was in the days of Abraham. And Isaac went unto Abimelech king of the Philistines unto Gerar. And the Lord appeared unto him, and said, Go not down into Egypt; dwell in the land which I shall tell thee of: Sojourn in this land, and I will be with thee, and will bless thee; for unto thee, and unto thy seed, I will give all these countries, and I will perform the oath which I sware unto Abraham thy father; And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; - The Jews take Gods word literally and so God has blessed them. - Christians who have been engrafted into Gods family by the blood of Jesus and we become heirs of the promise made to Abraham and his seed. Gal 3:29 - And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. -Malachi 3:10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. -If you have some faith take God up on this challenge.
Tuesday Feb 28, 2012
7 Steps to Encouraging Yourself
Tuesday Feb 28, 2012
Tuesday Feb 28, 2012
1 Sam 30:6 In life you need how to motivate and encourage yourself to continue in whatever endeavour God has given you to undertake. We often depend on external factors, like opinions of others. 1Sam 30:1-6 The account of the raid. 1. Develop a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. Developed by faith. Holy Spirit is the Comforter. 1 John 4:4, John 14:16-18 2. Recieve living messages from God by simply reading the scriptures. 3. Remember other problems that God has delivered you from. Deut 8:3 The intensity of the experience that the LORD subjected Israel to was strongly imprint the lesson that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD. The raising of Lazarus in John 11 was an extreme case that would teach us something that we will not forget. Mark8:18-21 4. Make Positive Confessions. Your faith is a shield Eph 6:16 5. Learn to listen to appropriate tapes and get fired up. The word is God. John 1:1 6. Play the right music at the right time. Use music to create the environs you need. 7. Avoid depressive and discouraging people. Ps 43:5 Ps 42:1-11