Tuesday Apr 16, 2013
The Importance Of Sowing Seeds II
Tuesday Apr 16, 2013
Tuesday Apr 16, 2013
Sowing and reaping represents the part that God has given us to influence our destiny and outcomes. Gen 8:22 - God places sowing and reaping as constant as seasons, day and night or as summer and winter come and go. - With the same planning and calculation you plan for the cold, so must you plan to flow with the sowing and reaping. Making sure to sow the right thing at the right time for after that, we have little control but to wait for the harvest. -Sow much -Sow a variety of things, so you will different kinds of things. - Matt 7:12 - Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: 10. The seed of money mixed with prayer will bring a heavenly and spiritual visitation 11. A seed toward evangelism and missions is a special that will cause God to provide all your needs according to His riches in glory. Phil 4:15-19 12. A seed to your spirtual teacher is a special seed that fulfils righteousness. Gal 6:6-7 13. Helping somebody is a special seed that can be sown. Eph 6:5-8; Col 3:23; - Eccl 11:1-2 You can't give something away; you just relocate it into your future. Seeds People In The Bible Sowed -Rahab -Onesiphorus -Joseph interpreted dream -Disciples -Abigail - helped David
Sunday Apr 14, 2013
Why You Must Be Anointed III
Sunday Apr 14, 2013
Sunday Apr 14, 2013
3. The anointing will cause you to be established in this life. - Deut 28:64-66 - Psalm 89:20-21 4. The anointing will introduce strength in your life. - Romans 7:15-22 - Isaiah 61:1-3 5. THe anointing will protect you from deception. - Psalm 89:22 - Proverbs 2:10-20
Tuesday Apr 09, 2013
The Importance of Sowing Seeds
Tuesday Apr 09, 2013
Tuesday Apr 09, 2013
1. Seeds are God's creation to provide wealth and blessing in the earth. Seed is the propagative structure of anything. IF you want to have something, identify its seed an sow it. 2. Sowing seeds gives you a legal right to a harvest. 3. Good things are seeds. Gal 6:6-8. The seed is part of the fruit. The good thing that we want is what we must sow. That is what the seed is. 4. Spiritual virtues are seeds that can be sown. Matt 5:7 - Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Matt 18:32-35 The man was given a fruit of mercy but did not sow any of it, so he had no more right to continue to enjoy the harvest of mercy. 5. Good deeds are seeds that can be sown. 6. The word of God is seed that can be sown. Mark 4:14. The sower soweth the word. 7. Money is a seed that can be sown. 2 Cor 9:6-7 8. The tithe is a special seed that can be sown. Malachi 3:10 9. A seed to the poor is a special seed that gives a harvest of preservation, long life and health to the sower. Psalm 41:1-3 10. The seed of money mixed with prayer. Cornelias of Acts 10; his prayers and alms came up for a memorial before God Acts 10:4
Sunday Apr 07, 2013
Why You Must Be Anointed II
Sunday Apr 07, 2013
Sunday Apr 07, 2013
- Anointing is not only for preachers. 1 Samuel 10:6, Zechariah 4:6-7 15 Powerful Effects of The Anointing: 1. The anointing will produce supernatural help for your life. Psalm 89:19-20 2. The anointing will cause you to be raised up to great heights in life. Dan 6:1-5
Tuesday Apr 02, 2013
Continuing Until The End II
Tuesday Apr 02, 2013
Tuesday Apr 02, 2013
- A christian must think about heaven often. - It must affect all you are doing here on earth. - Some things we may do are good and acceptable for here on earth but are not appropriate for someone with a plan for heaven. - It should affect what we are willing to endure to stay heaven ready. Matt 12:38-40 Mark 8:31-32 What People Who Did Not Know The LORD Said As They Passed On: 1. Voltaire - one who said the Christianity would end briefly. His house became the depot for the Geneva Bible Society. His nurse swore not to take all the wealth of Europe to avoid seeing another infidel die. 2. Thomas Hobbes: author of 'The Leviathan'. He corrupted many contemp If I had the whole world I would give it to live one day more. I am about to take a leap in the dark. 3. Thomas Cromwell - Earl of Essex - responsible for digging up and burning of the bones of ** as criminals. "The devil is ready to seduce us and I have been seduced. But bear me witness that I die in the catholic faith." 4. Thomas : Until this moment I thought there was neither God nor a devil. But now I know that there are both. And I am doomed by the judgement of God. 5. Robert Green Ingersol - gave 'The mistakes of Moses' lecture. "O God, if there is a God, have mercy on my soul if I have a soul." 6. S. Francis Gilfort - was raised up with the bible but fell into bad company. "From where is this war in my heart. What arguments do I have to assis me in matter of fact. Should I say there is no hell when there is one in my bossom? That I am certain that there is no judgment when I feel present judgment? ... That there is a hell I am surely certain. 7. William Pope - a christian who backslid when his wife died and followed Tom Payne. "No case is comparable to mine. I cannot reverse. God will damn me forever." They used to kick the bible and other blasphemous acts. **These and more references can be found in the book 'Backsliding' by Dag Heward-Mills - towards the end. Heb 12:1-3 - v3 For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.
Sunday Mar 31, 2013
Christ's Power Over Death
Sunday Mar 31, 2013
Sunday Mar 31, 2013
Matt 27:57-65 - Jesus rose not just from sleep, but from death. They had secured, sealed, and guarded the tomb Jesus had shown His powe over death a few times before: 1. Jairus' daughter 2. The widows son on the way to burial 3. Lazarus dead and buried and fourth day after. Then He went for the final one - He Himself would die and rise again from it.
Friday Mar 29, 2013
The Wisdom of the Cross (The Wisdom of Sacrifice)
Friday Mar 29, 2013
Friday Mar 29, 2013
1 Cor 1:18-25 1 Cor 2:6-8 - The wisdom of the cross is of a higher level that the wisdom of the world and the devils could handle. Sacrifice is denying the self. He said he that will come after me, let him deny himself... that is the thing that rightfully belongs to him, he should forego it. - The preaching of the cross is foolishness to some (the perishing that are not going to find out the great benefits of it) but is wisdom to another set. - The sacrifices a christian has to make look like foolish moves to an unbeliever. Christian Sacrifices: We need to learn to sacrifice our: 1. Time: to learn, pray, read bible, go to church, etc. That is where the power is. 2. Money: our money looks very valuable in church but is low in value when we are buying stuff. But we need to give to a point of sacrifice to support the work of ministry. 3. Family: Luke 14:16-26 4. Comfort and Wellbeing: lose some sleep, drive some distance. 5. Safety and security: you have to do some risky things.
Tuesday Mar 26, 2013
Continuing To The End
Tuesday Mar 26, 2013
Tuesday Mar 26, 2013
Jesus had His mission of going to the cross and the grave and out again. Matt 12:38-40 Mark 8:31-33 Mark 9:31-33 Mark 10:32-35 A christian ought to have the mentality that the earth and its sufferings and joys are temporal, but the real riches and hope are in heaven with the LORD. What other bible believers said showing their hope in God: - Phil 1:21 Paul - Gen 49:33 Jacob, Num 23:10 Other Christians in History: - Ignatius - the Bishop of Antioch 100AD personal disciple of John the apostle "I thank thee that thou has honored me with thy word. Praise God" while being burnt at the stake. - Father Polycarp - an apostle of JOhn who lived in Nero's reign. Sentenced to death and offered to deny Jesus or be burnt to death. Roman consul: "Swear reproach to Christ and I will set thee at liberty. " Father Polycarp: "Eighty and six years have I serveed Christ and he has never done me wrong. How then can I deny my LORD and saviour." He refused to be bound while being burnt saying that God will gice him strength to stand still in the fire. -Augustus -author of one of hte most evangelic hymns of 18th centtury Rock of Ages cleft for me. - William Shakespare died 1616 AD at 52. His will revealed his faith in God. - Matthew Henry - a non conformist theologian "a life spent in the service of God and in communion with Him is the most comfortable life that anyone can lead in this present world. - John Wesley "the best of all is that 'God is with us'." - Charles B? died at 12. Loved to read Bible. When sick he said "I desire to die that I may go to my saviour." Others(unbelievers): - Tom Payne - the age of reason - Voltaire 1694-1778 - the nurse who attended his death said "for all the money of Europe, I would not see another infidel die.
Sunday Mar 24, 2013
Why You Should Be Anointed
Sunday Mar 24, 2013
Sunday Mar 24, 2013
- It's not only for preachers, pastors, prophets, as we often think, and thereby exclude ourselves. Zech 4:6 1. You must be anointed because no one can fulfill their purpose and mission by human power only. Zech 4:6-7 2. Even Jesus Christ waited to be anointed before starting ministry. Luke 3:21 3. You must be anointed because even the apostles were commanded to wait for the anointing of the Holy Ghost before beginning ministry. Acts 1:4-8 4. You must be anointed because great prophets like Elisha asked for a double portion of the anointing. 2 Kings 2:9 5. You must be anointed because King Saul was not transformed into another man until he received the anointing. 1 Samuel 10:6 6. You must be anointed because King David ascribed all his blessings to the anointing Psalm 51:11 7. The anointing is essential because Moses refused to continue the ministry without it. Exodus 33:15-19 Luke 11:9-13
Tuesday Feb 26, 2013
Tuesday Feb 26, 2013
Tuesday Feb 26, 2013
- Prov 28:20 - A faithful man shall abound with blessings - Faithful and always go well together, but it is a big commitment. To God, such a commitment is worth making and keeping. - Faithfulness come into question when things are tough and it is easier to drop than to keep the commitment . - Daniel 6:1-15 - Daniel was faithful, and survived the pressure to not pray to God - 2 Cor 4:6-8 Troubled in every side, but not distressed Perplexed but not in despair Persecuted but not forsaken Cast down but not destroyed